Application form Family Name : First Name : Effective date of coverage must be on the 1st of each month :01 / 010203040506070809101112 / SWISS GLOBAL INSURANCE Plan :DIAMONDPLATINUMCLASSICESSENTIAL Zone of coverage :Zone A: worldwide coverage including USA & Canada, excluding Switzerland. Premiums in USDZone B: worldwide coverage excluding USA & Canada, including Switzerland. Premiums in CHFZone C: worldwide coverage excluding USA, Canada, Switzerland. Premiums in EUR APPLICANT DETAILS: Gender :M.F. Date of Birth : / 010203040506070809101112 / Nationality : Family status :SingleMarriedDivorcedOther Occupation Occupation : Are you (or your spouse) eligible for benefits from any Social Security or government plan reimbursement, or do you have any other group medical insurance in force today ? YesNo If Yes, please describe : Country of your Social Security plan :—Veuillez choisir une option— Social Security ID Number(s) : SPOUSE (or Partner) and dependent CHILDREN to be covered: If you have dependent children aged more than 21, please join to this form a certificate of attendance at school or university Familiy Name First Name Date of Birth Gender (M or F) / Spouse/Child (S or P) / 010203040506070809101112 / Male SpouseMale ChildFemale SpouseFemale Child + Add person Applicant's mailing addres Address in country of expatriation: Street : City : Postal code : Country :—Veuillez choisir une option— Phone number : E-mail : Address in home country: Street : City : Postal code : Country :—Veuillez choisir une option— Phone number : Payment of premiums: Payment frequency :QuarterlyHalf - YearlyYearly Would you like to do your payment by :Credit cardBank Transfer Reimbursements of claims Currency of your bank account : Account Beneficiary Name : For bank-to-bank transfers, please complete the following and attach a deposit slip Account N° : Name of Bank : IBAN : BIC – €, ABA – US$) : Address of Bank: Street : City : Postal / ZIP Code : Country :—Veuillez choisir une option— Confidential Medical Questionaire Have you, or any person named in page 1 been treated for, or have had a history of: (Please tick if Yes) Applicant 1. Diabetes, thyroid and other endocrine disorders (including obesity)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 2.Heart or circulatory disorders (including high blood pressure)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 3. Cancer, tumour or growth (including polyps or breast lumps)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 4. Musle and skeletal problems (including back pain, traumatism, joint pain or problems)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 5. Asthma, allergies, breathing or respiratory disorders (including chest infections, shortness of breath, tuberculosis)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 6. 6 Gall bladder, stomach, intestinal, gastric or liver problems (including irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, hernia or haemorrhoids)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 7. Urinary or reproductive disorders (including fertility, periods or prostate problems)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 8. Brain or neurogical disorders (including epilepsy, strokes, shingles or nerve pain) Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 9. Skin problems (including eczema, allergic reactions, cysts, dermatitis or psoriasis)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 10. Blood infective or immune disorders (including High cholesterol, anemia, malaria ou HIV)Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 11. Do you have any illness, condition or symptom not already mentioned above ?Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 12. Are you currently under médical supervision (therapy, médical care) and/or are you taking prescribed médication (other than contraceptives) ?Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 13. Have you been or are you scheduled to be hospitalised for surgery, illness or any other reason (exclusive of caeserean sections or appendectomies, or varicose veins, tonsils, adenoids or gallbladder removals) ?Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 14. Are you currently pregnant ? Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: 15. 5 Are you currently receiving dental care or are you scheduled to do so over the next 24 months?Yes Type of treatment or illness, drugs, injury,symptoms, examination(what was diagnosed ?) Treatment from – to (month-year): Name and address of doctors,hospitals; who can provide further information: When did treatment /symptoms cease ?: Weight (kg) : Height (cm) : FRAUD NOTICE Any person who (1) dishonestly files an application for insurance or a claim under a policy containing information he knows to be untrue or misleading; or who (2) in making an application for insurance or claim under a policy dishonestly fails to disclose information which has beenasked for, may commit fraud. We will investigate any claims or applications for insurance which we have grounds to believe may be fraudulent. Committing fraud may result in your policy being terminated and any claims you make under not being paid. We may, for the purposes of the detection and prevention of fraud, share information relating to suspected fraud with other insurance companies and/or with law enforcement authorities. Statement I hereby certify that the foregoing declarations are accurate, complete and fair and have been correctly written to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have been informed and I accept that any intentional withholding of significant information or false declaration by me or on my behalf may lead to the cancellation of the insurance cover. I may examine and correct any personal information in the files maintained by SWISS GLOBAL INSURANCE on my behalf. For underwriting and claim purposes, I hereby authorize any physician who has examined me to transmit medical data to the physician of the Insurer and/or its Plan Administrator. I accept these terms and conditions and I wish to be covered by this policy. Please send us a copy of your passport: